Cinzia (Byrd)Fuller

We send our deepest condolences to the family! We love you guys!!

Houston, Texas

Brenda Heatherly

A beautiful lady, a loving friend. I miss you dear Claudia.


Ashley Shell

Rest In Peace, dear Claudia. You will be deeply missed ❤️


Christine Heggestad

💖 Missing you so much already mom 💖

Leawood KS

Mary Park

So sorry for your loss. I met her at Mark Twain School working in the kitchen. She always came in with a smile on her Face. She lit up the room. She will be missed

St Joseph

Diane Christison Stow

I have so many memories of Claudia that I have treasured over the past 59 years. Nearly all of them are during our high school years, even though Claudia graduated in 1963 and I was a year younger. When she learned how sick my husband was, she called about 5 years ago and we just picked back up from 1963. We learned we had so much in common and it was just fun to compare notes. I didn't know how sick she had gotten, but I do know I will always cherish my memories of Claudia.

Gainesville, Georgia

Pamela (Cappie) Barnett Armstrong

What a beautiful obituary, what a BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL LADY.

Dallas, Texas

Marsha Farrell

Claudia was a friend and fellow animal lover. A beautiful spirit. Loved her heart.

St. Joseph,Mo. Claudia helped me through my g

Jessica Owens

So sorry to hear about the loss of Claudia! Praying for her family! With love, from Her Hy-Vee Aisles Online family.

St Joseph

Tim and verla Warren

We will greatly miss her. Beautiful lady, full of life and such fun. May God bless your family.

St Joseph

Roger Clark


Simi Valley, CA
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