Cindy Hensley Hubbard

Charlie was a good ol boy. He always liked to bs with me when I worked out at KCL! I thought the world of him. I'm so very sorry for your loss Kelly and Kevin.

Platte City

Lois Ann Madsen

Im sorry I will not be able to make the service. I’m sorry for your loss. If there is anything you need please let me know. I pray that Uncle Charlie is at peace.

Platte City

Norman and Janie Jamison

So sorry for your loss, we both thought the world of him


Marsha and Donald Dale

Kevin and Kelly and family: I was so sorry I missed his services but I learned too late that he had passed. Charlie was a special guy and he will be missed by many. He always reminded me of my Daddy so now they can bull together in heaven. Hugs to you!

Platte City Mo
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