Jennifer Emmons

I love you, Magram! I will always miss you. Thank you for being so loving and caring towards others! Thank you fair always being there for me when I needed you!

Kansas City, MO

Dawn Higbe

I am so sorry for your loss. I plan to attend this. You are welcome to call or come by anytime. Love you Friend.

Kansas City

F. Jenell Johnson-Carter

I remember Bobby well; I worked with her although I was in employed in Omaha. We worked on several joint assignments. So very sorry for your loss. I am in Florida at this time or would attend the service.

Kansas City, mo

Shirley Lischmann

So sorry to hear this. Worked with Bobbi several times. Such a nice woman!!! RIP, Bobbi.

Cape Fair, MO.

Randy & Barbara Kenyon

She sure did a great job of raising two caring daughters that raised awesome caring children! You all showed love and perseverance in doing the right thing caring for your Mom and Grandma 'til the end. Inspiring....our sincere condolences to all the family....Randy & Barbara

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