Lois Thomas Sopher

I am so sorry and sad to learn of Bill's passing. He was a good friend and my guy pal for as long as I knew him. I was with Zelma and Bill the evening they became engaged. My date and I celebrated with them and they were the happiest couple I had ever seen. I am sending Zelma and Annette my love and prayers and my condolences to all of the family. God be with you.

Houston, Texas

Ronald L Grove

My mother was nearly deaf and Bill was her hearing aid man. He took great care of her and was one of her favorites. He was a guest at our dinner table several times. She passed in 1995. Mom and Dad considered him a great friend and a wonderful person. I am sorry for your loss.


Valerie Kyle

So sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and all your family.


Don Comeaux

Zelma and Annette. So sorry to hear this sad news. May God grant you His loving peace during this difficult time.

Lowell, Michigan

Delbert and Sandy Branstetter

With our heartfelt sympathy for you and your family. Death takes the body. God takes the soul. Our minds hold the memories. Our heart keeps the love. Our faith lets us know we will meet again. Love is the bridge between here and Heaven.

Shawnee, Kansas
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