Danny & Debbie Jones

Our sympathy to your family. Barbara was always a lot of fun to be around! We drive by Uncle Jess & Aunt Venita's house occasionally and Danny reminisces about being there with his Grandpa Logan Clark. Lots of precious memories!! May God comfort your hearts. Love & Prayers, Danny & Debbie Jones

Hartville, MO

Mae Holmes

Deepest Sympathies for the loss of your Mother, Grandmother, and Friend.


Larry and Peggy Foster

Our most heartfelt sympathy!! I remember Barbara as a generous, loving lady, who always had a sweet smile for those she loved!!! Please know we are thinking of you all!!

Cincinnati, Ohio

Robert Garner

So sorry for your loss.

Springfield, Mo.

Dave Claxton

Sorry for your loss. Keeping you all in our Prayers.

Winchester ks

Avid Garner

We're thinking of you all.

Grovespring, Mo.

Pat and Deanna Schurman

You are in our thoughts and prayers. Barbara was one of a kind and will be missed by all who were fortunate enough to know her.


Tamara (Austin) Carter

It is impossible to think of "Barbree" without the memory of her laughter filling the house. Condolences to you at this sad time.

Marshfield, MO
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