Barbara Lamb

Very sorry to hear of the loss of my neighbor. She always had a friendly wave and a friendly smile. May she rest in peace.


Amanda Seeberger Carroll

I am very sorry to hear of Annabelle's passing. I hope that you all will find peace and comfort.

Topeka ks

Gerri Schneider

Vickie, Richard and Steve. I’m so sorry for your loss. I will never forget your mother. She was so kind and caring. I have always had so much respect for her, although we didn’t spend much time together.

Kansas City Mo

Patton Chiles

Vicki, I am sorry for the loss of your Mother. We are never ready for them to leave us. It was and still is a comfort to me to keep my favorite picture of my Mom up where I see it every day. Give yourself time to grieve. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Patton

St. Louis, MO
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