Georgia Witt

My deepest sympathy to you all. May our gracious Lord comfort and uphold you With love, Georgia and Rev. Joshua Nyamwaro

Sondu, Kenya

Wanda Filger

So many fond memories of Andy. Prayers of comfort to Ann and family.


Elizabeth Lawrence

Sorry for your loss Andy was one of the nicest person I ever met. He will be missed.

Kansas City

Alberta Baker

So sorry for your loss.

Kansas City

Don & Sue Gardner

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Anne.

Arma, Kansas

Carl Youngberg

Dear Anne, we have been friends since 1956 and have stayed close ever since. In all that time, Andy has been your faithful companion in the many, many things you two have undertaken. Barry Christian church, Platte City events, the county fair, travel, and of course supporting Anne in the Park Hill High School Class of 1960 reunions. May Andy's soul and the souls of all the faithful Rest In Peace and may Light Perpetual shine upon them.


Kristine Schrock Dick Goforth

Very sorry about Andy My selfishness doesn't want him not to be here

Platte City

John & Pat Coleman

Godspeed Andy... The Southern Belle is highball cleared to heaven. John & Pat

North Kansas City

Jerry Rose

The time has flown since our Bearcat days. Deepest sympathy to the whole family. The Northland has lost a special gentleman. God's speed.


Don Walker

Our sincerest condolences on your loss. I have fond memories of my childhood that include Andy. dw

Norfolk, Virginia
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