Jim & Susa Brown

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. He was such an earnest, caring and kind hearted man, and we will miss him.


Sharon Lee Goodack Osgood

Rest in peace A,J you lived a long life and the pain is gone you had much love in your life

kansas city

Jody Lyons

Aj was a very nice man. I will dearly miss him! Thoughts and Prayers for the family


Louise Taylor

So sorry for your loss.

Platte City

Lisa King

I will miss this sweet man!! Always a smile and so many stories❤️❤️ Rest in peace Uncle AJ

Bowling Green

Morgan Brown

AJ was one of the kindest followers of Christ I’ve ever known. He was a wonderful grandfather figure to me and to many others. I’ll miss his hugs. Welcome Home, AJ. I love you. Your family is in my prayers.

Kansas City

Lyn Turner

So sorry for loss praying for family

Platte city

Sheila James

I'm so sad to hear about the passing of Great Uncle AJ. He was a wonderful man. He was the last of my Grandma Marriotts siblings. May they all be rejoicing in Heaven together. Love and prayers to his children and grandchildren. Love you all.

Windsor Mo

Morgan Brown

AJ was one of the kindest followers of Christ I was blessed to know. He was a wonderful grandfather figure in my life. I’ll miss his hugs. Welcome Home, AJ. I love you. Your family is in my prayers.

Kansas City

Evelyn J. Gerhart

I am so sorry that I am not with you today. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with each of you. May God bless you.

California, MO
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