In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Becky France (Mitchell)

    I haven't seen you in many years but you are in many of my childhood memories. Rest in Peace Tim 

  • Janis Corriston Dow

    Tim and I were classmates and I remember how nice and fun he was to be around. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Perhaps, knowing that long ago friends are thinking of him and those that he loved will ease the loss you must be feeling. My prayers to you and God speed for Timmy.

  • Susan Welker

    I'm so sorry to hear of Timmy's passing. I knew him from elementary school days and always considered him a friend. May he rest in peace.


    You will be missed.

  • Lila Finch Knorr

    I am so soory for the family’s loss. I knew Tim. And Dan well when we were in high school.

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