In Remembrance Of

Service Details

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    I have such great memories of meeting Ed way back in 1998. In studying my family history, I had made it a mission to connect with descendants of my grandfather’s brother Fred Otto and it took me a few years but finally “tracked down” Jim and Ed. We shared correspondence for quite a while before Jim and Ed and wives traveled here to northwest Illinois to see where their grandparents Fred and Johanna (Fosha) Otto had grown up. We had such an enjoyable visit and they truly loved seeing villages they had heard about from grandparents for years. I introduced them to other relatives also and one even took us to see the exact spot of land where the Foshas built their original cabin when arriving in northwest Illinois. Ed and Jim and wives also truly soaked up meeting all these relatives – one of whom actually remembered some of your forebears. One of the relatives, Mary Guentner, and I were invited to join Ed and Mary for a few days at their Michigan home which we did a few years later – and had another pleasant, enjoyable visit – although when we arrived, we were somewhat dismayed to find a note that Ed had had to take Mary to the E.R. so we should “make ourselves at home” which we did. Fortunately all was well and they returned shortly thereafter! Such kind, pleasant people. You have my sympathies on the loss of Ed but he surely led a long busy life and I’m glad I got to meet Ed and Mary and Jim and wife.

  • Joyce and Denny Huff

    We love hearing stories about your Dad and will always share your memories of him. A great life lived, Dear friend.

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