In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Gravside Service

11:00 a.m. Saturday, October 5th at Turner Cemetery, Dearborn, MO

Comments & condolences


  • Geoffrey Robinson

    Dudley worked for me for a while in the Strut area at Boeing. I was lucky enough to have him on my team while I was there. He was soft spoken and had real passion for Family and friends. I will miss him. My condolences to the Family he will truly be missed!

  • Chris Morton

    I’m sad to just now hear that Dudley’s retirement was cut short. I often enjoyed working side by side with him at Boeing. He was knowledgeable and took pride in his work..Chris Morton

  • Brenda Bledsoe

    Dudley and I were in the same class thru school. Haven’t seen him in many years. Remember him as a kind and funny guy. Prayers to his family.

  • Sharon Nash

    I remember Dudley from school, as being a big goof ball. He didn’t excited about anything. He would slump in his chair during Drama class which his Mother taught.. Hadn’t seen him until our 50th reunion. Kept up about him through Joe when we woul see him. My prayers are with you his family. May he rest in peace!

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