In Remembrance Of

Service Details

Comments & condolences


  • Megan Rose

    I miss you so much already. I cannot describe how I am feeling. I never thought your time would come. To me, you seemed invincible. I thought one day you would no longer be sick or suffer and I guess that day has come. Not a day will go by that I don’t think of you or wish you would leave me a message on my phone saying “Megan, it’s your grandma, bye.” You were the one person I wanted to make happy, the one person I wanted to make proud. You were the most unselfish person I know; always doing something for others. This was your time to be selfish, your time to finally be set free of the pain. Now you may rest at peace and be with the loved ones that went before you. Dance among the streets of Fun and Sun, watch over me and wait for me like you waited for me to come into this world. I love and miss you!

  • Debra Sue (Garnett) Cox

    “Our family is a circle of love chosen and blessed by God above”, “Our family tree is rooted in love”. Whether near or far apart, we’re forever close in heart” and “Memories, laughter and tears connect us through the years.” I Love you, Mom. Always, Debbie

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